Christopher Hill was educated at St Peter's School, York, and at Balliol College, Oxford, and in 1934 was made a fellow of All Souls College, Oxford. In 1936 he became lecturer in modern history at University College, Cardiff, and two years later, fellow and tutor in modern history at Balliol. After war service, which included two years in the Russian department of the Foreign Office, he returned to Oxford in 1945. From 1958 until 1965 he was university lecturer in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century history, and from 1965 to 1978 he was Master of Balliol College. After leaving Balliol he was for two years a Visiting Professor at the Open University. Dr Hill, a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society and of the British Academy, has received numerous honorary degrees from British universities, as well as the Hon. Dr. Sorbonne Nouvelle in 1979. His books include Milton and the English Revolution, which won the Royal Society of Literature Award and the Milton Society of America Award, and A Turbulent, Seditious and Factious People: John Bunyan and His Church, which won the WH Smith Literary Award. Other works by Christopher Hill include: Milton and the English Revolution The World Turned Upside Down Antichrist in Seventeenth-Century England The Experience of Defeat: Milton and Some Contemporaries Change and Continuity in Seventeenth-Century England The Collected Essays of Christopher Hill, Vols I-III The English Revolution Lenin and the Russian Revolution. He died in 2003.