Nneoma Ike-Njoku is a Nigerian writer. She is the recipient of a Betty Trask Award, a MacDowell Fellowship, and the DGA First Novel Prize for her novel-in-progress, THE WATER HOUSE, an excerpt of which was also longlisted for the Grindstone International Novel Prize. THE WATER HOUSE will be published by Scribner in the UK and Summit Press in the US. She is currently an English & Creative Writing Ph.D. student at the University of Georgia, where she received the Jane Appleby Entrance Award. She holds an MFA in fiction from Cornell University, where she won the James McConkey Award, and has received grants and fellowships from the Miles Morland Foundation, Kimbilio, and the Millay Arts Foundation, among others. In 2022, she was commissioned to write an original short story for the Newman Wetlands Center, which will be produced and audio recorded on the app for hiking tours through the site. Her short fiction has appeared in Winter Tangerine, where it won the 2016 Prose Prize, and elsewhere.