A Whisper of Horses

July 2016
Piccadilly Press
Feiwel and Friends/Macmillan
Beijing's Children Publishing House
Editrice Il Castoro
Youth Cultural Enterprise
Serendipity loves horses. No-one in Lahn Dan has ever seen one alive, but there are statues of them around the city, forgotten paintings too, hidden away. And there's the wooden toy horse Mama gave Serendipity when she was little.
Now Mama is gone, Serendipity needs to leave the city. She has a map leading her west, towards the coast where real horses run free. But first she must escape the city and the Minister's Police Force by getting past the high Emm Twenty-five Wall. Can the scruffy smuggler boy Tab really help her? And what kind of life will they find on the other side?
An original, breathtaking, adventurous and moving journey of discovery across a familiar but reimagined Great Britain.
Now Mama is gone, Serendipity needs to leave the city. She has a map leading her west, towards the coast where real horses run free. But first she must escape the city and the Minister's Police Force by getting past the high Emm Twenty-five Wall. Can the scruffy smuggler boy Tab really help her? And what kind of life will they find on the other side?
An original, breathtaking, adventurous and moving journey of discovery across a familiar but reimagined Great Britain.