In Love and Friendship
As young boys in Switzerland during World War Two, thrown together and swiftly torn apart by the bizarre events of the times, Andreas Alessandro and Dan Stone forge a friendship that neither forgets, though it's two decades before they are reunited by another stroke of fate, and twenty more years before they come to understand the true value and costs of their friendship.
For Dan, refugee from Nazi Germany, it's a struggle all the way to the top as a gourmet writer. Andreas was born to be a Grand Prix champion, until disaster robs him of his career and, he believes, everything else he ever wanted.
When calamity strikes, artist Alexandra Alessandro abandons her own career to help her husband create a new life, and for a time the couple appear unbeatable - but there's still something Ali desperately wants, and will do anything to have.
Ms Norman, a skilful writer, keeps this book moving at an absorbing clip; she's got the recipe for entertainment right.
The New York Times Book Review