Jacket for 'The Eyrie'


UK - Weidenfeld & Nicolson

The Eyrie

By Stevie Davies

Published Jan 2010

Sometimes, everyone needs new horizons…

Nobody at The Eyrie is quite like Red Dora – in her early nineties, she’s a Scots ex-Communist, ex-Trotskyite veteran of the Spanish Civil War. With her fiery brand of radical anticapitalism, she conjures plans of political sabotage and computer hacking. She rails at a society that seems to have forgotten its political roots and a government that doesn’t care. But beneath her rage lies amore intimate despair, a tragic death she has yet to come to terms with.

Eirlys is a middle-aged Welsh patriot with a brass dragon on her door. She is the ‘mother’ of The Eyrie’s little clan – always providing tea and sympathy. Little do the other residents suspect that Eirlys was once in prison…

Hannah, born in a commune, is a young woman in flight from the tedium of a middle-class marriage. Seeking roots but revelling in her new found freedom, she finds that life at The Eyrie offers surprising new opportunities, and an unlikely co-conspirator…