How to submit

We have all found exciting new talent through the unsolicited submissions and are keen to continue doing so. We want to hear from you and look forward to reading your work.

Below is some guidance on what you might want to include in your covering letter and synopsis. We welcome submissions from any writer, whether you started drafting your debut on your commute, have a manuscript or two stashed away in your bottom drawer, have shared your work with writing groups or have never shown a word of your writing to anyone before. We would be delighted to look at your work regardless of whether you have a firm idea of who your reader is, so please don’t feel restricted by the suggestions below.

We are no longer accepting paper submissions. Instead, we'd like you to submit online, by filling in the form that you can click on at the bottom of this page.

The form will ask you for your contact details and for some information about your submission (for example, whether it’s finished or a work in progress). It will then ask you to insert a covering letter (maximum 500 words), a synopsis of the work (maximum 1,500 words), and the first 10,000 words of your submission. You can either type these directly into the form, or copy and paste them from elsewhere.

If you don’t hear back from us within 6 weeks of sending your submission, please email us at If other agents have requested to read the full manuscript or have made you an offer of representation please do let us know.

Submissions made via the email will not be considered. Please make all submissions via the submissions form below.

What to put in a covering letter

We'd like to know what kind of book you're writing - perhaps what genre and market you think it fits into, and two or three lines about the story (keep this brief, we don't need a full synopsis in your letter). We'd also like to know whether you have any writing experience - have you been on a creative writing course, have you been published before (including short stories, online and in magazines), have you ever self-published? And we'd like to know a little bit about you - a little bit about your job and your interests, perhaps, or anything else you think is interesting.

What to put in a synopsis

We don't need (or really want) to know every twist and turn of your plot before we actually read it - a synopsis should simply expand on the few lines from your covering letter to give us a better sense of plot and characters, and an idea of where the story is going. Definitely don’t feel as though you have to use up all of the 1,500 word limit.

Ready to submit your work?
Go to our submissions form