Jacket for 'Sheer Blue Bliss'


UK - Bloomsbury
Germany - Gustav Lübbe Verlag
France - Editions Liana Levi
Denmark - Lindhardt og Ringhof

Sheer Blue Bliss

By Lesley Glaister

Published Jan 2010

Did Patrick Mount, philosopher and visionary, discover the secret of sheer bliss? And why did he disappear? If Connie Benson, his former lover, knows the secret, she’s not telling. A reclusive arstist, she has kept her final portrait of Mount under wraps for over thirty years. Finally, she has decided to unveil it at a London exhibition. But stepping out of seclusion brings her into the orbit of one of Mount’s most terrifying disciples. As events veer out of control, Connie finds herself fighting for her life…