Richard Gwyn grew up in south Wales, and following several years in London spent most of the 1980s travelling on and around the Mediterranean, chronicled in his memoir The Vagabond’s Breakfast (Wales Book of the Year for nonfiction, 2012). His books include the novels The Colour of a Dog Running Away, Deep Hanging Out and The Blue Tent, and the poetry collections Walking on Bones, Being in Water, Sad Giraffe Café and Stowaway: A Levantine Adventure. Between 2011-2015 he travelled widely in Latin America, compiling and translating a landmark anthology, The Other Tiger: Recent Poetry from Latin America. His memoir Ambassador of Nowhere was published by Seren in 2024. His other translations include collections by the poets Joaquín O. Giannuzzi, Darío Jaramillo and Fabio Morábito. He is the author of Ricardo Blanco’s Blog, which can be found at