
In accordance with The Publishers Association, the Society of Authors, and Association of Authors' Agents

General points

Permissions are described as the authorisation of the reproduction of extracts from works written by our clients.

Applications for permission for anthology or quotation usage should be emailed only to Attachments must be in word format only. We do not accept telephone / fax / postal enquiries.

Please note that we receive a high volume of requests so it is important to apply as far ahead of your deadline as possible. However, we do endeavour to deal with all requests within six weeks of receipt.

Applications for licences for theatrical, TV, film and all other rights should be addressed to the appropriate agent.

What to include in your application

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email address of applicant / publisher
  • Full details of material to be reproduced including a word count* (or a line count for poetry)
  • Details of the work in which the material is to appear:
  • Author
  • Title
  • Publisher
  • Territories for distribution* (i.e. UK & British Commonwealth)
  • Date of publication
  • Price of publication
  • Size of first printing
  • Format of publication* (i.e. volume, electronic, audio).

What fees can you expect for prose extracts

  • Brief extracts may be used free of charge (for text extracts only) providing you have our authorisation, provide correct attribution and achnowledgement. You can reproduce an extract of up to 250 words or series of extracts (which is dependent on the use of the extract)
  • Thereafter, there is a minimum fee of £50 to offset the cost of processing permissions
  • Higher figures are related to major established writers
  • £120 - £146 per 1000 words for world rights
  • British Commonwealth (inc. Canada), or US only: one-half of world fee
  • Major individual countries: one-quarter of world fee
  • US and Canada, EU: two-thirds of world fee
  • We will consider lower fees for educational use

n.b. - These fees are related to reproduction in print & paper (volume) form. We will calculate fees for electronic/or other use on an ad hoc basis.

What fees can you expect for poetry extracts

  • £90 - £120 for the first ten lines
  • £2.10 - £2.30 per line for the next 20 lines
  • £1.30 - £1.50 per line thereafter

* Requests which omit this information will not be processed.